Revive Yoga & Wellness Co-vid 19 Safety Plan
The purpose of this plan is to outline the policies, guidelines, and procedures that have been put in place to reduce the risk of COVID19 transmission. I will continue to reassess and adjust the plan as needed; always making the health and well-being of all participants a priority.
Updated Jan 11, 2022
I am currently only offering 1:1 private yoga sessions and online instruction. For private yoga sessions to commence, the following policies, guidelines, and procedures are in place:
- There must be ample space for the student and teacher to remain a minimum of 2 meters apart for the duration of the session.
- Each participant will provide their own equipment – there will be no sharing of mats or props. In the event that props are shared, they will be provided by the instructor and thoroughly cleaned and left to stand between sessions.
- Both the student and the instructor will be fully vaccinated for all indoor yoga sessions.
- All participants and the instructor will use the self-assessment tool to confirm that it is safe for them to attend and participate in the yoga session. This assessment will be completed within 24 hours leading up to each yoga session.
Managing People in the Facility:
- I will only work with small groups of people, who are already within the same core bubble. I work with the same group of individuals for each session.Â
- Each group of participants will pre-book and identify the individuals who will be attending for the duration of the sessions, and confirm that they are already within the same core bubble.
- In the event that anyone from outside the core bubble is interested in joining the session, they will identify me, request for an extra member to attend, and we will go through an assessment procedure to determine if it is safe.
- This assessment procedure will include determining adequate space to place participants and the instructor a minimum of 2 meters apart, a health assessment survey, and an entrance/exit plan.
- The maximum occupancy limit will be established using a measurement device to ensure that yoga mat placement with a minimum of 2 meters between participants, and between the instructor and the participants can be maintained.
- All participants and the instructor will use the self-assessment tool to confirm that it is safe for them to attend and participate in the yoga session. This assessment will be completed within 24 hours leading up to each yoga session.
- Anyone experiencing symptoms or at risk of exposure to Covid-19 will not attend the yoga session.
- If other members of the group are healthy, the session will continue, even if some participants are absent.
- There is no penalty for late cancellation. In the event that a session is canceled, there will be an option for the payment to be refunded, or carried forward as a credit to pay for a future session.
- All participants will be in the facility, with their mats laid out at a safe distance, ready to begin the session before the instructor enters. The instructor will enter the facility without touching any doors or surfaces. If this is not possible, she will sanitize her hands immediately after coming into contact with any surfaces.
- The instructor will have a designated place to lay her mat, at least 2 m away from the students. She will go directly to this spot, place her mat – and remain there for the duration of the session. Thus, ensuring that she does not go within 2 m of the students.
- When the session is complete, the instructor will leave the facility first, allowing physical distance to be maintained.
- In the event that moving within 2 m of space is absolutely necessary, face coverings will be worn.
- Signage will be provided to remind participants not to enter when they are sick, to maintain physical distancing, and to practice frequent hand sanitization.
Front Desk and Sales
- Only small, pre-organized private classes will occur. Therefore there is no front desk or waiting area.
- The individuals will set up the placement of their mats in the designated area and wait there for the instructor to arrive.
- Payment will take place via E-transfer prior to the session.
- Participants and the instructor will sanitize their hands before and after the yoga session. Hand sanitizer will be available in the area where we practice to use before and after class.
Equipment Layout
- A tape measure will be used to determine a minimum of 2 meters distance between all participants and between the participants and the instructor.
- The space for each mat will be marked with tape on the floor.
- The student and the instructor will stay on their mats for the duration of the practice.
Group Classes
- The floor surface will be thoroughly cleaned before and after each yoga session.
- Each individual will bring their own yoga mat and is responsible for cleaning and sanitizing their own equipment.
- Most classes will be led without the use of props.
- Yoga props may only be used under two circumstances:
– They are the props provided by the instructor, and she takes them home to sanitize with an anti-viral disinfectant before and after every session.
– The individual brings their own props and they are the only one who touches them. Individuals are responsible for cleaning and sanitizing their own props between sessions.
- The level of physical exertion and the direction of movement will be carefully considered and monitored by the instructor, to allow everyone to maintain a safe distance through the entire session.
- The instructor will not exercise or physically exert herself while teaching. She will remain on her mat for the duration of the class and focus specifically on guiding the students’ experience.
- Breathing practices will be limited to slow, calming, and quiet breathing in and out through the nose.
- Practices that require students to touch their face will be eliminated and not be taught.
Locker Rooms, Showers, and Washrooms
- This service will not be offered.
- If it is necessary for a participant to use the washroom during the session, we will establish a clear path while maintaining safe physical distancing.
- Any facility used will be thoroughly cleaned after use.
- In the event that a session needs to be changed or canceled, we will communicate via phone or the internet prior to the session to ensure that both parties are aware.
- In the event that protocols need to be changed or updated, this document will be revised and shared with participants.
- I am available to connect, answer questions, and discuss concerns with participants over the phone or video conferencing. Please contact me at to set up a meeting.

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